Ben Fuller

“If I Got Jesus” – Ben Fuller

I’ve had a dollar to my name
I’ve had friends that walked away
And I’ve even lost myself a time or two
There were bridges crossed and burned
But through all the wreckage I have learned
There is one thing that I can never lose

If I got Jesus
I’ve got all that I could ever need

The opening lyrics to “If I Got Jesus” by Ben Fuller are so relatable. Sometimes it’s in the very darkest and deepest times of loss that Jesus reminds us that HE is all we really need, and as long as we have Him, we’ll be just fine. You first heard Ben on Life 100.7 with his song “Who I Am.” In it, he reminded us of our worth as a child of the most-high God. Now he continues to point us to that same God’s provision.

Ben talks more about the new song “If I Got Jesus” here: